Tynan Collins

Projects —

  1. SCA Museum

  2. Wingman

  3. Cell Phone Addiction

  4. Mast Coffee Company
  5. Type Puzzle
  6. Ave Lupo

  7. Ideo Journal

  8. Karl Blossfeldt

  9. Melo Velo


  1. Work

  2. Play
  3. Posters

I Am —

  1. A designer that specializes in modular identity systems, motion, illustration, packaging and, print design.


3. SCA Museum

The Client:

Motion, AR, Experiential, Data visualization,
Identity, Processing
/ 2018

A contemporary art museum based in Sacramento, California. Utilizing technology and a time-based historical narrative.

The Concept:

Experiential design telling the story of Contemporary art in California floor by floor, culminated by a sundial at its peak.

The Augmented Reality:

A promotional postcard showing the process in creating a piece of work using AR and processing. 

The Identity:

The Data Visualization:

Data visualization showing every single artist in the museum forming the shape of a sunbirst; a primary theme.

The Wayfinding:

Data Visualizations and wayfinding on each floor of the museum
